
Archive for the ‘Politics’ Category

One of the wisest men I know, who was once described by a business associate as a man with “impeccable integrity,” my father, wrote this:

Today is my birthday, so I think I will do something I do not usually do.  I will blog. I had hoped…even believed…that I would get my greatest birthday gift ever, a new President.  But I learned a long time ago that we don’t always get what we want, at 62 I am old enough to know that.
I have paid close attention to politics since I was in college.  The first presidential election I was eligible to vote in was 1972, Nixon vs. McGovern.  I did not like McGovern’s policies and I couldn’t understand how this man, McGovern, who admittedly started with nothing when he entered politics ended up quite well to do, but that is another story.  At the time, I was young and idealistic and I thought the biggest disservice a President could do to the public was to lie to them.  In a democracy you need information to make proper voting choices, so lying to the public, to me, was worse than bad policies.  I voted for McGovern, it was a protest vote.
I knew Nixon was lying big time.  His Watergate lies hadn’t been exposed yet, but the evidence was overwhelming if you were paying attention.  I grew up in a very conservative neighborhood.  All my friends, and especially their parents, were behind Nixon.  I was the maverick. They were kind to me, but they couldn’t believe the President of the United States was out right lying to them.  I knew he was, and in fact he was.  That revelation to the country came after the landslide election victory that Nixon won, and led to his later resigning from office.  I mark that as a turning point in American society, the time when respect for authority suffered a great blow that it has never recovered from.
Indeed, now many people assume their government routinely lies to them, and I believe they are often right.  But there is something worse than a government that lies to the public, and that is a public that accepts the lies, either out of indifference, ignorance or too often, convenience.  Just recently we had a former President who had explicitly lied to the public on national television, then later to a court of law under oath, complain that we shouldn’t trust a man who would lie to us to become President.  The saddest part of that sorry episode is how few people paid attention or cared what he had just said.  Just more of the same.  Too inconvenient to hold him to account; he is after all a popular fellow and agrees with the majority’s world view, so what difference does a lie make?
I think that is where we are today, and I think that is one of the major reasons the biggest con man in American history has just been re-elected President of the United States.  A majority of the public no longer care much about the truth. To quote another great con man, “the truth is inconvenient.”  No, a majority of the public is happy to go along with the free lunch propaganda.  We are all Greeks now.A majority of the public and most of the media are all too happy to look the other way while great lies are told and honorable men have their reputations trashed because that is easier than telling the truth or addressing real issues.  My friends and their parents in 1972 looked the other way and we re-elected a liar whose lies had a profound impact on the morality of the entire country.Many in the government have been lying to us for years.  They do not tell the truth about how they spend our tax money.  They do not tell us the truth about who pays the taxes.  They use budgetary gimmicks or simply ignore accounting for it all together (off budget items).  That other great con man, Al Gore, lied to us about many things, but I think my favorite was the Social Security “lock box”.  We will soon be opening that lock box and the assets big Al promised us won’t be there.  The lock box is filled with slips of paper, mere promises from a lying government.

We just went through a campaign where one candidate simply made up false stories about what the other believed and a majority bought it.  Too much work for the press and public to actually pay attention, but then paying attention would be inconvenient to their world view.

We just went through a campaign where one of the most honorable men in our political history was willing to run the gauntlet of lies and distortions because he wanted to help his country.  He didn’t need the job.  He doesn’t need any job.  He didn’t need it for his resume; he already had one of the most impressive resumes of any man to run for President.  He didn’t need it for a cool address, he already owns one of the coolest houses on the planet.  He didn’t need it for his ego, so unlike the great vanity of his opponent.  He was a man who understood that his many and great accomplishments were not the most important measure of him.  He was the best kind of humble, he chose to be that way.  He was truly a man prepared and ready for this difficult time.

But the lies had it, the motion carried.  We were conned again.  The country just made a huge mistake because a majority is willing to accept being lied to by their government and press.  They say you can’t fix stupid, maybe they are right.

So do I think the Country is going to hell in a hand basket?  No, not yet.  We are blessed to live in the greatest country in the history of the world. Our economy is the biggest and provides the best standard of living to the most people of any in the world.  It will take a lot to wreck it.  It can be wrecked, and if we don’t eventually change course we will ruin it.

I feel most sad now for the people who are already struggling, who can’t find good work…whose homes and businesses are sinking.  The country has just chosen to make it much more difficult to fix our problems.  There is going to be a lot more pain before things get really better.  It didn’t need to be this way but if you are willing to be lied to and still want to believe in Santa Claus, then you get the government you deserve.

What will turn this around?  When it becomes more inconvenient to continue believing the lies and in the free lunch that Government Santa is supposed to bring.

The Soviet Union and the former Eastern European Block (not to mention innumerable banana republics) went through this already and died.  They sought to redistribute income and only redistributed poverty.  Santa really is make believe.  Their demise was prolonged and delayed through brute force, but they eventually collapsed.  Much of Europe is going through this now; but they are merely socialistic, not communistic so it will take longer to unfold.  It is only a question of degree.  We are perhaps a generation behind them, so we have more time.  But our time will come if we stay on this course.  If it does, I trust in the basic goodness and resilience of the people of this great country to get back on track.  It won’t be pretty, but I believe we will make it.  I believe we will still remain the greatest country in the history of the world and the greatest hope for mankind.

This is a great country, and that is no lie.

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A MUST read:  Mark Steyn’s “Dependence Day.”

A couple of choice excerpts:

When William Beveridge laid out his blueprint for the modern British welfare state in 1942, his goal was the “abolition of want,” to be accomplished by “cooperation between the State and the individual.” In attempting to insulate the citizenry from the vicissitudes of fate, Sir William succeeded beyond his wildest dreams: Want has been all but abolished. Today, fewer and fewer Britons want to work, want to marry, want to raise children, want to lead a life of any purpose or dignity.”

For Americans, the quickest way to understand modern Britain is to look at what lbj’s Great Society did to the black family and imagine it applied to the general population. One-fifth of British children are raised in homes in which no adult works. Just under 900,000 people have been off sick for over a decade, claiming “sick benefits,” week in, week out, for ten years and counting. “Indolence,” as Machiavelli understood, is the greatest enemy of a free society, but rarely has any state embraced this oldest temptation as literally as Britain. There is almost nothing you can’t get the government to pay for.”

Seriously though, you should REALLY read the whole thing HERE.

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If the answer is yes, then you’re smarter than these “Rally to Restore Sanity” folk…

And I really hope the answer is yes.

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I Live In A Circus

The latest madness from the Nannie state:  San Francisco is now banning happy meal toys.  Here’s the problem, here is where it becomes clear that there is a battle raging between do goodism and freedom, pure and simple.  What happens when the San Francisco Board of Supervisors realizes that despite the lack of toys, Happy Meals are still being sold and consumed…by children…DUN DUN DUN (sinister drum beat)?  Will they then ban all kids’ menu items that have more than X number of calories?  How about all meals that have more than X grams of sugar, or any trans fat at all?  Then, surely, they’ll move on to adults.  How would you like being fined for eating a doughnut?  What if doughnuts just flat out became unavailable…banned from the city?  Would a black market for doughnuts arise?  Where will it stop?  Will the madness ever stop?  Will they come into your kitchen demanding you “detoxify” your cupboards?  I am using absurdity to illustrate a point, but in all seriousness, where does it stop?  (Oh, yes, it will stop when we finally arrive at that perfect society where we all walk around like mind numb robots in perfect health and are completely incapable of making decisions for ourselves or providing for ourselves and our families.)

Liberals…ahem, progressives…know no bounds when it comes to their do goodism.  Hey, I’m not saying this stuff is good for you…or for your children…but where is the choice and accountability in this madness?  This is where do goodism turns into soft tyranny.  Tyranny and freedom cannot both reign; we need to go one way or the other.  We cannot continue to walk this tightrope, loosing one small freedom at a time, because eventually we’re going to fall off the rope as a society.  Parents are responsible for teaching their children healthy habits.  Feel free to educate those parents if you think they’re doing a shoddy job, but in the end…the choice is still theirs how they will raise their children.  And when the children become adults, the choice becomes theirs how healthily they live their lives.  But what if these children grow up used to the idea that the state determines what they can eat and what they can’t…can you imagine what kind of adults they will become?  Well, they’ll vote Democrat, that one thing is sure.

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Thanks to Cathy at IB for bringing this to my attention…


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Wow, that’s a comforting declaration if I ever heard one.  It’s like your toddler & preschool age kids promising to “help.”  At least with the kids, the kids gain something positive from the experience…and you gain good parent points for letting them “help.”  Ronald Reagan said it best:

“The most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”

From the AP:  The Obama administration “launched [another] plan Friday” to help stem the foreclosure crisis.  Here’s the really great part:  “Officials said their [new] goal is to meet their original (emphasis added) target, announced last year, of helping 3 million to 4 million borrowers avoid foreclosure.”  Of course, “the administration’s existing program to prevent foreclosure has FAILED TO MAKE A DENT IN THE PROBLEM (emphasis added)…[due to] a lack of planning and shifting rules on qualifications for it [which] produced a huge backlog in the program.”  “Only 170, 000 homeowners have completed loan modifications out of 1.1 million who began the program over the past year,” says the Special Inspector General for the Federal Financial Bailout Fund (wow, that’s quite the title).

“We remain dubious about government mortgage modification efforts.  So far none have lived up to expectations, and we see little reason to believe the latest effort will turn out any different.” Jaret Seiberg, an analyst with Concept Capital’s Washington Research Group

Hmmm, Jaret Seiberg must have some common sense to have formed that opinion.  It’s sad that common sense is such a rare commodity these days.

I just read on a friend’s blog that our tax dollars are being used for the noble cause of providing “free” soil sampling for anyone who fills out a form and sends it in with box of dirt from their garden.  Of course, it “may” take up to three weeks to get the report.  Or, she points out, you can simply go to Lowe’s and pick up a soil test kit and do it yourself the same day.  Just a microcosm of all that is wrong with our government.  Why, now, do our hard earned…ripped from our paychecks…tax dollars go to unnecessary programs when the same thing can be accomplished by us, if we feel so inclined, in much less time and with much more efficiency?  Oh, yeah, because the government thinks it can do everything bigger and better, even though it has yet to prove itself with a single success story.  Ummm, Medicare…Medicaid, Social Security, the U.S. Postal Service, anyone?  Oh yeah, these programs are all going bankrupt!  The above mentioned original foreclosure rescue plan that “has failed to make a dent in the problem?”

Well, if government fails, it only makes sense to try, try again the same FAILED policies, only on a grander scale.  I mean, what’s better than failure?  How about GRAND FAILURE!

And there are really, actually, people out there who are excited about the federal government just granting itself (against the vocal will of a majority of Americans) an unprecedented amount of power to control and manipulate our nation’s health care system?  REALLY?

This country’s problem can be summed up in this:  too many hard-headed politicians in Washington, and too many “skulls full of mush” (as Boortz would say) voting for them.

Just got to let off some steam to keep my sanity these days….

Remember this? Good medicine.

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